Quality education

STEM Project

Linked to SDG 4 (Quality education)


students from the municipalities of the state of Amazonas will be impacted by STEM Brasil

STEM Brasil is a high-quality, two-year training program for public school teachers. The program has a hands-on approach based on innovative techniques to raise the level of the Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Mathematics curriculum, with 304 practical and applicable activities for the three Brazilian education levels (Elementary I, Elementary II, and High School). 

Each activity combines curricular content from the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC) with 21st Century skills and abilities. The goal is to contribute to the training of educators of these subjects so that they can prepare public school students for college and for a more prosperous career.

In partnership with the Educando Project, the Toyota do Brasil Foundation takes the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) methodology to public schools in the state of Amazonas. The action, which will be carried out until 2022, will benefit almost 11,000 students from 17 Amazonian municipalities, including Manaus, Barreirinha, Borba, among others. 

The results of the applied methodology are remarkable among High School students. In schools where STEM is applied, there was a 7% overall increase in student scores in all four subjects, the number of students scoring below basic in Math fell by 17.7%, and among participating schools, the overall average in Physics increased from 6.9 to 7.9. The ENEM average rose 7 points in Mathematics and 19 points in Natural Sciences.

Teacher training began online in October 2020. As the STEM methodology contemplates a two-year training cycle for teachers, when the pandemic is over, the meetings will become face-to-face.
